Discover our Parent Toolkits specially-designed to help you get involved in your child’s education.
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Families have a right to opt their child out of instruction to which they are conscientiously opposed.
This CLEO toolkit provides a sample school board ordinance to address the withholding of certain records by school districts, citing copyright protection as a reason for disallowing public inspection.
This CLEO toolkit provides a sample school board ordinance for curriculum transparency.
This toolkit is brought to you by California Policy Center’s CLEO (California Local Elected Officials) Project.
School districts and their governing boards are subject to all manner of state laws, from the Brown Act governing public school board meetings to…
As an education advocate, there are few things more frustrating than an unreceptive or even hostile school board. Tens of thousands of parents…
Advocates who read and interact with school board agendas will have encountered the consent agenda, or consent calendar. This guide tells you everything you need to know about consent agendas, and how to catch if they’re being used improperly.
This resource was produced by Parent Union’s sister project, California Local Elected Officials (CLEO), a program to educate and support local elected officials and candidates for local office.
The Brown Act protects the right of the public to attend and participate in local government meetings in California. Knowing how to locate and read school board agendas is a valuable skill that will equip you to…
As a school board trustee, you have a duty to your constituents, especially to the students in your district and their parents, to put their interests first and be transparent. When handling sensitive issues…
The California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) results dashboard is your key to exploring student academic performance in California through…
This video guide will show you how to use Leginfo and where to submit position letters, as well as introduce other resources by California Policy Center to aid you in your advocacy efforts.
When a student is struggling in their neighborhood public school, families have the option of an interdistrict transfer. An interdistrict…
With more than 5.8 million students across more than a thousand school districts, California has a sizable…
Every year, the California legislature proposes and votes on hundreds of bills that significantly…
As a parent, one of the best ways to get involved with your child’s education is to become a member of your local school board, whether it be for your school district…
The California Public Records Act (PRA) is the state’s version of the federal Freedom of Information Act: It recognizes and protects the right…
Knowing how to track political donations will help you understand where candidates are receiving financial support…
Researching student performance in California can be overwhelming because you’ll often encounter extensive mazes of web pages and links…
Parents and parent groups are calling for greater transparency from school districts and school boards, on everything from school budgets…