Parents, Not Partisans Summit

Parents, Not Partisans Summit

Watch the video recap of last year’s Summit!

Register now for CPC Parent Union’s fourth annual Parents, Not Partisans Summit

California Policy Center cordially invites you to our fourth annual "Parents, Not Partisans" Summit! Our 2025 theme is California at the Crossroads of Education. This unique annual event brings together parents, educators, school board members, and education experts from across California to learn, network, and mobilize.

Day 1: Our all-day conference at the Embassy Suites Riverfront Promenade will feature California education reform leaders, policy experts and grassroots trailblazers for a series of panel discussions on the critical education issues for 2025. A light breakfast and boxed lunch will be provided.

Then, walk over to our can't-miss cocktail reception on Old Sacramento’s historic Delta King riverboat to mix and mingle with conference attendees and the CPC Team! Reserve your ticket here on Eventbrite when registering for the conference (use code PARENTUNION).

Day 2: Dive into legislative advocacy strategies in our morning session (we will also host a special session just for school board trustees) and then hop aboard our shuttle to the Capitol to make your voice heard. Participate in meetings with newly elected legislators, attend education committee hearings or watch a floor vote, then join us for a closing luncheon at our favorite Capitol restaurant to share experiences with friends and allies.

TICKET COST: Use code PARENTUNION at checkout to get your conference registration and cocktail reception admission for free!

ACCOMMODATIONS: We have a hotel block at the Embassy Suites Sacramento hotel, where the Day 1 Conference and Day 2 workshops will take place. All rooms are suites with a pull-out bed, great for sharing with friends! Reserve your room at the discounted rate here.

Alternatively, you can visit and use the code 90U, or call (916) 326-5000 and tell them “CPC Annual Summit."

The deadline for hotel block reservations is February 25th, 2025.

If you are interested in sponsoring this Summit, email Sheridan Swanson at